Travel Mistakes Not to Make

Travel is beautiful. It’s fun, it’s yummy, it’s expansive, it’s full of possibilities! But it can also be daunting. Planning a trip, especially a solo trip, can seem like too much. The process can be easier than you might imagine. I am here to help smooth it all out for you, where I can, by sharing the travel mistakes I have made in the past so you can skip over them.

So keep reading, because this post is filled to the brim with how you can have the best possible adventure of your life.

Travel can also be stomach flu, lost credit cards, and lost time. Trust me, I have experienced it all.

That’s why I put together a list of things not to do for all my travel peeps out there!

I learn something new every time I head out and just put together some mishaps form my past.

Check back in the future for new ones!

Lets get started..

Not getting travelers insurance

If you are heading overseas and you don’t have travelers insurance, don’t get sick, don’t get injured, don’t miss your flight, or have to cancel your trip/come home early.

Can you ever 100% guarantee that crazy things such as lost baggage, broken legs, canceled flights as well as other freaky Friday things will NOT happen on your trip?


Then you need travelers insurance.

Not going because your at it alone

Girl, this is it. The best time for you to go, is alone. Don’t know how to go about it or where to start? Check out this post for your guide to the perfect trip

Carrying all your money on you at one time

Excluding travel days, you should never carry all your money at one time and when you do have it hidden in different places on your body.

Here is a product that can help you do just that.

Over packing

you don’t need everything, they have markets and stores where you are headed. Pack your must have cant leave behind and leave a little room for bring backs!

Not trying new foods

Oh, you don’t want to try new food? Going to say no when a family offers to share their meal at the train station? Looking for a McDonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Ok, just stay home then.

Not Bringing Photo Copies of Your Important Documents

and screenshots on your phone. You never know when you will need to give a security guard or a airport employee a photo copy of your passport. Or if you use your license you can take a copy of your passport on a night out. Its worked for me a few times.

Out of the know

scammers, pickpockets etc. Be on your game, especially in cities near tourist attractions. Google or ask someone what are some of the local games being played on non locals.

Confining to the tourist spots

Step out of your box, don’t JUST go see the popular Instagram famous spots. Ask around, get a little lost.

Find an amazing food cart.

The perfect park. Enjoy isn’t that what you are out here doing all of this for?

Over Planning

every second of your trip- Leave a little time open for adventure. You can’t do EVERYTHING. And you are bound to miss the magic if your rushing from spot to spot without taking a breather.

Not researching appropriate dress code

Cultural insensitivity 101.  Wearing a tank top and shorts to a temple in Bangkok in mid July.

Yes its scorching hot, but you need to abide by the rules and show respect for the local way of life wherever you go.

Not learning a few fraises in the local language

It’s simple: show respect, get respect.

There  is nothing wrong with softly asking someone if the speak English when looking for the direction you want to head in.

But I am telling you here and now, learning words and phrases such as “please”, “thank you”, “bathroom”, “water”, “yes”, “no”, and so on goes a very long way.

Some of the amazing things I have seen over the years!

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Not booking with enough time during layovers

Wheeewwwww. Keep in mind, weather, technical difficulties, or just some random late departure can cut into that 30 minute connection, and sometimes you have to run 198301941294miles to a different part of the airport. Usually they connecting flight will hold for the passengers they know are on a late flight.

However, just in case, I like at least 3 hours in layover time to be safe depending on where my origin flight is coming from. Sometimes that three hours cuts it close.

Example. If I’m leaving from Bangkok and connecting in Istanbul to get back to the states….I am booking separate one way flights with at  least a 3 hour gap at the Istanbul airport.

Just to play it safe

Missing out on amazing experiences because you are being cheap

Or impatient.

Museum lines, art exhibits, historical attractions. You know what these things have in common? The most likely give you the option to pay before you arrive.

I completely missed out on the Ann Frank Museum house in Amsterdam because I wanted to buy shrooms and stay in a fancy hostel and didn’t want to spend extra cash before going to Scotland and Ireland. I also Did not want to plan my day there around the time slot I was allotted because I couldn’t find a decent time because I …you guessed it, trie to book the day of. *Face Palm*

Lol. I know.

I absolutely regret not doing the research and just buying the tickets ahead of time.

Don’t be like me.

Do a little bit of googling ahead of your trip to see if you can purchase passes early or even combo passes for multiple attractions at a discounted rate.

Sometimes hostels have discount packages for guests, I am sure hotels do it as well. If you are curious about some other benefits that come along with hosteling read more about why I think its the best way to travel here


Not checking with your bank/credit cards

It is always a good idea to let your  banks know you are traveling and check with your credit cards to try and get PINs just in case you end up in a country where you MUST HAVE pin numbers to use their ATMs

This happened to me in India, so instead of being able to use my Capital One cc that has ZERO TRANSACTION FEES, I was stuck using my bank debit card that charged me every time I took money out.

I didn’t like that much.

Review Your Phone Data.

I usually leave my phone on airplane mode and go about my days until I get Wi-Fi at my hostel or in a cafe, train station.

I know that if you have T-Mobile and you need to be in touch with home, you can text.

You also have the option of buying a SIM card for whatever country you are in. Make sure your phone is unlocked before you leave home!

Using social media or WhatsApp to stay in touch while you are out and about is always an option.

Otherwise, check with your mobile service provider to see what you can and can not do while jet-setting.

When Booking Your Flight, Not Paying Attention to Time Zone Changes

This is important, especially if you’re short on time.

Keep in mind you are changing time zones when you’re traveling.

Remember that you don’t want to lose 24 hours flying east… to the far east.

Hit the west coast of the U.S. before flying into Asia. I like to think of it as chasing the sun. This way you don’t lose a day.

Don’t Change Money At The Airport

Don’t do this unless you have NO CHOICE.

Using the kiosks to change enough money to get you to your accommodation is one thing.

You should avoid exchanging large amounts of money if possible because the exchange rates are usually pretty bad.

You are much better off using an airport ATM if possible.

Drinking Too Much

Have the time of your life, but be careful. Even if you are with an all-girl group, you never really know who is who, and anything can happen.

Its best to keep some of your wits about you when you are in a country that you are not familiar with.

Living From Your Guidebook

Everything isn’t in your Lonely Planet Guide.

Google does not know everything. Look up from your phone and find a restaurant with a long line. A locals market with amazing handmade home goods. Spices. Whatever you can think of, ask around. Find some of your own way.

Buying The Wrong Pack

This can make your trip pretty uncomfortable. To say the least.

You do not need the largest pack you can find off of… whatever website.

You need a pack that fits you, and you need to pack it properly. Wondering how to go about all this for your first time? I have your pack-buying guide here

Not Going At All

You have to go!

Don’t stutter, don’t put it off until your friends can afford it, don’t wait for when you meet your dream man and don’t put it off until next year.

Just go!

What about you? Any tips that I might have missed in this post? let me know in the comments below!

Don’t forget to follow and keep up on Insta @zonesshegoes

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